Cummins12V98 wrote:
norm wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Gemstone wrote:
"Thanks for your honest story!
I think too many people know they really should be towing with a Dually but make every excuse in the book to justify what they have"....
I hope that is not a slam against the rest of us who did not reply with a similar story....which are no doubt just as honest as the one referenced. Is it because the story fit your own preference for a DRW truck ? Did it help justify your personal decision ? I'm just curious as to why you seemed to weight this story more than the others ?
Understandably, there are people who should not be towing a particular rig with a particular truck, like new RV'ers who don't know any different, or as you allude to, hard headed RV'ers who won't accept the fact that they made a mistake. Not that I am looking for one, but I believe everyone who replied honestly about their real world experiences should be thanked for their input to the OP's question....
Threads like this will help new RV'ers make the right decision, and we know it won't do a thing for the hard headed population.
I appreciate people that realize what they have is not adequate for the job at hand and do something about it!
I could have beefed up my 98 2500 4X4 12V Ram with air bags and 19.5 tires and wheels and been like so many other people that put bandaids on their rigs and pretended it was fine. My Mobile Suites is very heavy so I stepped up and bought a 1 ton Dually to safely handle my new RV.
No slam as you put it but you are right the hard heads won't get it!
I must respectfully challenge your conclusions. To label those that disagree with your opinion as "hard heads" denotes a posture of superiority. Perhaps that is not your intention? Perhaps you can provide factual evidence to support your position? I must also respectfully point out that there is a significant performance difference between your 98 Ram and todays Rams. For that matter, there is a significant difference between a 98 Ram and my HO 04 Cummins. The intent of my post was not to provide a platform for arguing the personal opinions of the merits of DRW versus SRW. Just as I do not engage in posts that promote brand wars. I happen to like DRW's as much as SRW's. If you prefer one over the other because of personal like or dislike, fine, let your personal preference be known. But please do not marginalize another persons choice of equipment based upon unsupported claims of inferiority. Hopefully we are all beyond the "my toy is better than your's" phase of our childhoods by a comfortable and ego secure margin....:B
I am not the one that came up with the hard heads comment I just agreed with him.
The 98 is a different animal but it has the power to pull my MS and with 19.5 tires, air bags rear disk kit built trans and so on but it still would not be safe in my opinion.
The 98 has 300rwhp and 750tq on the Dyno.
The type of person that thinks everything is fine like the guy with the mega cab with 28K combined load are irresponsible in my opinion and should have a Dually.
No brand war here just know there are many people that know they should step but make every excuse in the world not to, like it wont fit in the garage or drive thru, hard to park the list goes on.
It is all about being responsible.
My experience with towing 3 different 5ers with single rear wheeled trucks and now a Dually with a much larger 5er there is no comparison even with 8K less weight with a single rear wheeled truck.
I agree completely with you, "responsibility" is of critical importance. In fact, it is so important that the legal system has even given it a definition with respect to punitive damages. It is called "deliberate indifference". Did you, or should you have known, that the results of your deliberate action would or could result in death, injury or property damage?(this is my very loose laymans paraphrase). And with that knowledge, did you elect to intentionally proceed with the action with indifference to the outcome? How, you may ask, is your action determined to be "irresponsible"? By the testimony of industry "experts" and/or verifiable evidence.
So, since there are a lot of smart folks on this forum who know a lot more about engineering, vehicle dynamics and the law of relativity, than I do....How about weighing in on this question? Based on the science of the question, given two identically equipped trucks, driven by the same individual and all other factors identical, save for the fact that one is an SRW and the other is a DRW, why is the DRW "scientifically" superior AND.....why would the SRW choice not only be inferior, but "irresponsible" as well? Bottom line....opinions are like....(well, you know what I mean) so either BACK with FACT, or join the "Mutual Admiration Society"..:B