I have done a number of Sat installs over the years, including the latest 5-sat HD setups... It can be done but there are many issues. If you can make your particular set up work outside the RV then you might be able to use the existing RV cabling to make it work in the RV. From the sound of it though, you have an antenna on the roof and probably a splitter somewhere inside splitting the RF signal. That splitter almost certainly does not have enough bandwidth for a Sat connection. You would need a direct cable run - could be done if you find the splitter and take it out of the circuit. Then IF the RG6 cable in your older trailer has enough bandwidth (possible) you might be able to use it. Newer Sat systems supporting HD multiplex all satellites on a single high bandwidth cable using a SWM (single-wire multiswitch), which is very convenient. Some newer dishes even have this built-in. Older systems however run two separate coax to the receiver and support two non-HD satellites, however your receiver has to support this (newer ones don't). Much of the low def programming (depends on whether it is directv or dish) can be on one satellite though, so it is possible to make do with a legacy antenna and a single coax if your receiver is compatible.
The equipment has evolved over the past years, and everything from the dish to the receiver has to be compatible, so it is not trivial. Like I said, if you can make it work outside the RV, all you have to do is come up with one or two coax runs of sufficient bandwidth and you can get it working internally. In my previous trailer I just ran a new cable through the wall; in the current one I was able to use the existing cable but disconnected a manual switch. Both single wire installs.
If this doesn't make much sense, best to hire it out...