So I put a long PVC pipe alongside the Sabre Fiver this morning, and marked a line at the top side of the trailer. This is while hooked up to the truck.
Taking it down I measured the pipe. It was 11'7" . But then I have to add for the crown of the roof - say 3 inches. Which gets me to 11'10". Then I have to add 10 inches for the height of the front AC and Vent Cover over the Bathroom. That puts me at 12'8". If I get a chance I'll bring a long 2x4 to the storage yard and lay it across the AC shroud and measure from that - highest point to double check.
So looking at the brochure which says height is 12'7", I'm thinking that they were including the front AC height.
I added the App Smart Truck Route to my iPhone. It has alerts and routes. Haven't yet used it. Thanks for the idea - I searched for "Low Clearance" and the SmartTruckRoute came up in the appStore.
Someone over on the RV Forum sent me a free "Giraffe" device which I had to order a mount for. I tried it, but it didn't work the way the instructions said it would. Maybe it was an early model.Disappointed in that. Might contact the maker.
While still high, I feel a lot better knowing that we're well under 13 feet! If I get a chance before we leave I'll bring a long 2x4 over and lay it across the front AC shroud and measue to the ground - a level also.
Sighting along the top of the AC shroud, I looked at two Montana 5th Wheels, one on each side. They both appeared to be slightly taller than our Sabre.
I think part of why is looks so tall is that it's a relatively short 5th wheel - 28 feet.
I agree that it's very important to know how tall your rig is sitting on it's hitch!
Thanks for your kind thoughts and ideas!
Ron and Joyce