Mbtrebbe wrote:
Contemplating a motorhome and flat trailer as well
I had an Attitude 5th wheel that was altered to haul/handle a 3000lb-ish Suzuki Samuari. Took it to Lippert and Eclipse for advice and they added a third axle to the toyhauler. While it worked fine I didn't enjoy loading it in the "living room" of the toyhauler. Just wasn't ideal for me and it took up the entire storage area making it nearly impossible to take the Samurai and the dirt bikes on the same trip.



I sold my Samurai and picked up a larger and heavier Jeep LJ.... It wouldn't fit in the toyhauler so I traded the toyhauler for a Class A and bought a 20' flatbed trailer. Plenty of room for Jeep LJ, dirt bikes, and firewood. I am much happier with this setup.

I can see advantages and disadvantages with my setup but overall it works better for me.