720Deere,Sro,Caberto... THANK YOU......excellent posts! That's the type of information I am looking for.
Look folks.....I'm not suggesting or implying that you can hook up anything you want to ANY 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton, 1 ton or Freightliner, and take off happy go lucky down the road. But frankly, those of you who are members of the weight police can share your opinion with someone else. I was a REAL weight police officer (and other duties) for nearly a quarter century. I investigated crashes. I can quote you all sorts of engineering facts and figures that would put you asleep in minutes! I have flown light aircraft. I have been a succesful custom home builder....I DON'T TAKE, nor advocate, undue RISKS!!! I'm not considering towing a 75', 40 ton trailer behind my Cummins! I'm simply asking for "REAL WORLD" experience from those that have "been there, done that!"...And I'm talking about good or BAD! My anecdotal story about towing with a 1/2 ton was simply to relate my real world experience that it can be done, LEGALLY and SAFELY! But there are those on this forum that immediately take the theoretical high road and declare "foul" without factual information and/or pedigreed knowledge.....(flame off..LOL)