I think we are getting lost a bit here by DRW vs SRW... What it really comes down to is this..
Is the truck appropriate for the job at hand?
If the answer is YES then it doesn't matter if its SWR or DWR.
SWR encompasses a LOT of vehicles... From S10's to SRW 3500 series trucks.
If you are pulling with an older truck similar to mine you had to get a dually to get the payload rating up to the 3000-4500 lb rating... now we are seeing 2500's in the 3000 lb payload range and 3500 in the 3000 plus range.
The questions that has to be asked is can the truck safely and comfortably handle the load YOU intend to put on it? If the answer is yes then get what you want. If not, then you need to move up a class of trucks to get the rating you NEED...
Me personally, I love the dually for towing. I have towed with SRW and feel that it gives me superior handling of the load. I don't think that anyone can dispute that adding two more tires to the back increases the load carrying ability of the truck.
Lets take emotion out of this and look at it for what it is.
SWR, DWR, Diesel, Gas, Crew Cab, etc etc etc are all tools designed to meet needs. If it meets your need than great!. If not... well get the appropriate tool for the job.