rhagfo wrote:
goukcats wrote:
We have the one in my sig (without shocks) and have never had an issue. We have also traveled some very winding & rough roads in the past 2.5 yrs.
X2, just be sure your 5er has good shocks, and not an issue!
The only issues we had with ours was before we put shocks on the 5er. Hit a really bad spot on HY101 just south of Seaside, OR st posted 45. The same rough road sign that has been posted for years, as this area floods during times heavy rain. The pavement had buckled about like a speed bump, the TV with new Bilstiens took a decent bump, looking back at the 5er almost looked like it left the ground, the beer and soda in the door shelf's in the refer wiped them out.
Have not had an issue since we installed the shocks on the 5er. It also tows smoother.
DW would not trade for anything smaller!!
I know that stretch (by the chopper ride) and have gotten air there a few times. What a crazy bit of road. Our rear kitchen cougar did fine over that as I recall.