First let me say that I am a life long hard core Lazy Boy fan. I am a big guy and learned early on to not buy cheap furniture. The day we picked up our first fifth wheel (new) we drove straight to the Lazy Boy store and picked out and bought a recliner we had previously selected and made them take the back off and put it in the RV. We loved the chair, but it was just not made for an RV. I was a wall away but I don't know if it was a Pinnacle model or not. After about 2 years I finally admitted I had made a mistake and we ordered a couple of Euro style Palliser brand recliners, and we loved them and enjoyed the until we traded trailers. They wouldn't match our new trailer so we had the dealer keep the recliners that came with the new rig and we ordered new Palliser chairs for the new trailer and we really like them. I still use Lazy Boys at home but they were just too big and heavy for our RV. Just my 2 bits worth.