sarhvac1 wrote:
I know this is beat to death however I have 225/75r15 tires with a d rating @65psi looking to replace I know every one on here is LT positive however everything I look at in LT doesn't really have a 15" I should say all the ones recommended on here and the ones that do have a higher pressure rating// question is will rim design be able to handle this? also talked to rv dealer where we bought unit and a tire guy both think the new Carlisle USA trail are the way to go?? NEW is what I'm wondering about
I upgraded from the placarded D tires to E tires on my 11,300 GVW FW. I had to make sure that my Al rims were rated to 80 psi, which they are, and are stamped on the back side. That's your first step; check the rating on your rims. You might have to dismount a tire, though, as some are stamped in the valley =inside= the tire. I suspect that Komfort simply used the same Al rims on all their 10k+ trailers. If your rims are steel, I'd bet that they are only 65 psi and you'll have to change to heavier rims to handle E tires. If they're Al, you may be in the same boat as I am. I am going into the 3rd year with my Carlisle RHs and, so far, they're working well. I don't put a lot of miles on them, store the FW on boards and keep the tires covered. They're just starting to show some weather checking.