Bigmoss wrote:
Brought my new Jayco 27.5 RLTS home on the weekend and set it up. Its level and all good but the rear stabilizers only put a little pressure on the rear blocks I have and won't go down anymore.
The rig still has allot of shake in it when my wife and others walk around. It is worth getting a Pin Tripod to stabilize ? With this help with that or am I wasting my money ?
One of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of electric stabilizers; I like to know how much down force they have on them and that can only really be known by hand-cranking. From everything I've read here, the tripods are pretty much a waste of money. Some like them, but the majority think they're just so much scrap metal. You're much better off, IMO, in getting JT Strongarms, or one of the various other brands of stabilizing systems. Just one more option that most mfrs fail to offer that would make the RVing experience much more enjoyable.
On edit: Don't electric stabilizers have a manual option? If so, power them down, then use the hand crank to give another turn or two.