Forum Discussion

John_I_Haggerty's avatar
Jul 29, 2013

Roof Leak Heads Up!

Just wanted to share this to add to your list of things to keep an eye out for. Where the slide out rubber roof bends around the corner from horizontal to vertical I have a few nicks thru the rubber. I don't know how it happened, but I just wanted to share this. Maybe, chaffing when moving slide in and out, maybe an ill placed ladder, maybe a cat crawing on the roof. Opened it up, removed 4 sq. ft. of roof board, replaced with new board and closed it up. Eterabond, and RTV sealant seems to be have fixed it for now.
  • I get up on my at least two times a year and crawl on my knees to closely check every square inch of roof. Never had a roof leak yet.