Forum Discussion

txcheme's avatar
Jul 13, 2015

Roof problems

Tell me what you think...

The roof on my 2014 Keystone Laredo 292RL pulled loose from the trim that holds it down in front. Doesn't look like it will be covered by warranty - we're just outside of a year on the original warranty. The local yokel service center "fixed" it by creating a larger mess to deal with, so I'm there with dicor working on things myself. So I'm it just my luck? Is it Keystone? Is it something that could have been prevented if I had a 5th wheel with both a front end and rear end cap to help stabilize torque on the rig? Would a different manufacturer be more likely to fix this problem if it was their product?

I'd add a photo so you can see what I'm working with (pre-service center crap) but I can't figure out how to attach an image.
  • You might check your warranty documentation. Many roofs are covered for more than a year.
  • Wow...sorry to see that!

    You probably need a professionals advice but I can share what I would do...

    Clean off as much of the Dicor as you can. Take your time as it is not easy work. Almost looks like the EPDM was cut too short and you may have trouble stretching it back to the trim piece. I would treat the exposed wood with an epoxy sealer (Restor-it), try to get the EPDM to lay as flat as possible and use a good adhesive, redo the trim with butyl and screws and use the Eternabond. Remember that the Eternabond will stick to the roof but if the roof is loose you will still have issues. I don't think I would worry about the EPDM not being totally under the trim as the Eternabond will stop the leaks if the roof is adhered well.

    Can't believe that repair was done at an RV service center!

    Best Wishes!
  • Would be nice to see a photo so we can be sure to give you the best advice we can! Sounds like the EPDM pulled back from the front cap trim? I would remove the trim, put new butyl putty tape down, new screws with a good polyurethane sealant, then cover the entire front trim strip with 4" Eternabond! I have done that to every rig I have had so far! Good luck!

    PS...if the EPDM is loose you may need to also glue it back down.