I park a 40 footer and live near Glendale and can tell you there is very little good storage in Los Angeles. What you find is facilities that park for you and bring it out when you want it. I store in Duarte at Mt Olive RV Storage. I park it, there is a dump station, fresh water and two areas to wash your rig. They have back-ins and pull-throughs and extra wide spaces to open slides. Not cheap, but you will not find cheap in southern Calif. unless you go way out and park on dirt. If you do not like washing your rig, but like it clean, there are guys who will wash for around $50. An added bonus is that Mt. Olive is just off the 210 at the 605. When going out, you for sure are not going west to RV and limited going south. You are most likely going east or maybe north. For us Duarte is going our way since most of our travels are east.