JIMNLIN wrote:
pjberny5 wrote:
Dumping the Tow Max tires this week and replacing all 5 with the Saliun S637s 235/85R16 (G). My question is do you run them at the Max PSI of 110.
I have a Big Horn 3260EL when loaded weights 12,600 verifed by putting her on the scale.
Would appreciate the advice of anyone else that is using this tire.
Thanks in advance
Tire pressures for a trailer vs tire pressures for a truck is apples vs oranges as they operate in a completely different environment.
Tire Load and Inflation Ratings
Note: Towable – Travel Trailer/ 5th Wheel owners Due to the severe use conditions experienced by tires when axles are very close together – tire industry experts recommend maximum (sidewall) inflation pressure for towable tires unless this causes a sever over-inflation situation (20psi+), often referred to as the ‘basketball effect’. If this is your situation allow a 10 – 15psi safety margin above the minimum required inflation pressure.
And from Goodyear Tire and Rubber .... weighing RVs
Special Considerations
**Unless trying to resolve poor ride quality problems with an RV trailer, it is recommended that trailer tires be inflated to the pressure indicated on the sidewall of the tire. Trailer tires experience significant lateral (side-to-side) loads due to vehicle sway from uneven roads or passing vehicles. Using the inflation pressure engraved on the sidewall will provide optimum load carrying capacity and minimize heat build-up**
In this case at 110 lbs he is 35 pounds over what the chart calls for!!!!!!!! He choose tires that are WAY over rated for his load! Each tire has at least a 1000 pound margin! A LT235/85R16E would have been a much better match for the OP's trailer.
An all steel ply tire like the S637 fully inflated is not going to ride very well with 2500-2750 load on it.
From another user who responded earlier.
graysol wrote:
"I have just under 2,700 pounds on each wheel (10,700 total on trailer axles) and I have been running my Sailuns at 110psi with no KNOWN issues. According to Chris I should be running under 80psi. Guess maybe a call to Sailun is in order.
Edit: I just spoke to my local Sailon Wholesaler and he agreed that at under 3k per tire I should be running around 85psi. "