garysol wrote:
So after spending time on this tire thread and others here is my .02. People are scared. I know I am. There are so many horror stories of blowouts that most of us like to "tread" in the safe zone. I KNOW that at 110psi my Sailuns are safe and should not blow apart. I know that they may ride rough and may have a bit of decreased traction in a emergency situation but they are not going to blow out. At anything under the sidewall max I keep questioning if I am at the correct pressure. Am I creating excessive heat due to a lower PSI. Running 110psi is just one less thing that I am thinking about.
Call Saliun and talk to their Tech Department tell them exactly what you have done along with your tire/axle weights.. I was not sure what to do when I changed from GY "E" to GY "G" tires so I called their Tech Department and I am sure you have read what they told me.