We have Directv at home and during the camping season, we take our extra receiver to the fifth wheel and it lives there from April until November.
We found (yes, found) our satellite outside an apartment complex that had taken them off their roof after the tenants moved out. The owner called Directv and they said that for $75 each, they would come and take them down. One of the maintenance men went up and took them off and they put them out to be picked up by the garbage truck.
I stopped and talked to them and came away with 2, just in case one didn't work. DH made a really nice holder out of a 5' piece of pipe and a wheel. (It's a pain to store, but for free, it is great).
Last year, we had a really bad storm come through and the antenna got knocked over and busted the plastic casing. We had to go hunting for another one, but a neighbor had discontinued his Directv and he had taken the satellite off his house and it was sitting by the road. Another freebie!