Sorry for the confusion in my questions, maybe I should have put them as two totally different questions, but since they are somewhat related (both about pulling things out of the TH) I figured I would lump them together.
Regarding the Touring Bike questions, that is referring to a street legal motorcycle. Not trying to find out how to avoid fees, just trying to figure out if this is something I would be feed for on a regular basis or if most have found it is rare, so I know how often I should plan on paying such fees.
Regarding the ATV question, definitely not intending to ever ride one around a CG, I know they are not for that. Just curious if I can unload it from the TH so I have space in the back, and if needed load it into my truck (so I can trailer it to the trail head). Sounds like each CG is different but that many will get pissy at me with this....I'd love to hear more though as it sounds like it might not even be worth taking it for us.