Forum Discussion

TCBaxter's avatar
Nov 27, 2014

Security from theft

I have just purchased a fifth wheel that will remain primarily stationary and parked in a small park. What are the best ways to secure the unit from theft? I have heard chain the wheels together, hitch locks, removing tires, etc. Really would appreciate suggestions.
  • As you have heard by now there is no good way to secure most RV's. With a battery powered portable grinder and cutoff blade any cable, chain, or lock can be cut in a matter of seconds. Best thing to do is don't leave anything of value in the RV...
  • I would put a lock on the propane tanks and also mark them. As far as locking your basement storage areas, that may or may not be a good idea. If they pry open those doors there will be a lot of damage. If you just don't leave anything of real value in the storage and leave it unlocked then maybe they will try the next FW. A good quality kingpin lock is inexpensive and hard to defeat usually.

    Ask the management at this small park is they have had a history of thefts.
  • I would worry more about break-ins than someone stealing the whole trailer. There isn't a lock, chain or cable made that can't be cut in about 30 seconds with one of the cordless 4" grinders that are now available. If somebody wants it, they can have it. Just carry good insurance and put a lock on the pin to keep the more honest guys honest.

  • Use cable not chain to lock things down. Walmart sells a 5/8" dia cable with a round key securiity lock. I used it around wheels. Keep in mind anything you do just slows them down. If they want it bad enough they will take it.
  • Chain the gas bottles together. When I left mine over the winter the people there for the winter would take them out and use the gas then bring them back. Take out anything the mice will eat.
  • I've left mine at our camp in WVa. for 6 months at a time. Basement doors are locked, propane tanks locked down and king pin had a lock on it. Never had anything come up missing. Never removed the tires, and again, never a problem.
  • If theft of the unit is a problem, you need to find a new place to camp. Insurance is the best solution as far as I am concerned.