I put a rack on the front of my 2011 Ford CC gas 6.2 V8 F350 4X4 LB when we went to AK. I had upgraded my tires to commercial 19.5" tires. The tires were the same diameter as my stock 18" but where much heavier. On the front rack I had a 20" tall and 56" wide tool box with my Honda 2000 and a 5 and 2.5 gallon cans with gas in it and other odds and ends that weighed in at 300 to 400 lbs. I had loaded on it a 11' Northern Lite fiberglass truck camper. I was right at 12,000 lbs
We traveled 11,000 miles with this setup.The first 1800 miles was pulling a 17' boat. I never saw my temps go up and believe or not it was 96 degrees and higher in Fairbanks and stayed that way for a number of days. The average mileage for the entire trip was 10.8 MPG. This was taking into account the difference in gallons between US and Canada.
We also went over the Top of the World road, down into Skagway and Seward and then had to climb all the way back up.
I was really impressed with the way the truck preformed.
I don't know if a generator on the front of the Ram will affect it or not but if it does I guess it'll go into the bed. I watch my water temp, trans temp and oil temps very closely. Also I’m nowhere close to max GVWR nor the GCWR of the truck.
I really had a hard time getting this loaded as every time I use the "shift 3" to put in the symbol for weight this site blocked me and would not let me post. Has anybody else had this problem lately? As an example I tried to put this in red text and if stopped me from posting. I think the site is having some problems right now or it doesn't like me right now.