Hiking Hunter wrote:
I've had both. My last truck was an F250 SB with a slider. Before I got my current truck, a RAM 3500 LB, I did extensive modeling with a CAD program to determine how tight I could turn with a short bed without pulling the slide. It was approximately 12 degrees less than what I could get with a long bed. Of course, with a short bed slid back it would do a full 90. Do you need that extra 12 degrees? Maybe not normally, but it's nice not to have to worry about a tight turn in a gas station, or in a tight campground spot without having to get out and slide the hitch. I opted for the long bed.
Now that I've had a long bed, I'm glad I went that direction. I don't have to worry about sliding the hitch back at all, and since I've had the long bed Ive loaded it up with lots of stuff.
The only downside of a long bed is having to park when you are not towing. A small price to pay.
To the OP It seems everyone has forgotten they sell automatic sliding hitches, and the prices are not that much more then a manual slider. With that being said, I have towed fifth wheels with a manual slider for the past 9 years with two different short bed trucks a 99 ford superduty ,and a 2014 Ram, the Ram having a shorter bed then the ford, and have had no problems with either truck . Automatic sliding hitches take all the worry out if one is concerned. If one is starting from scratch get the automatic slider, and be done with it.
Also great choice on getting the new Ram they are an awesome truck. Very happy with my choice, drove all three , and the other two had nothing over on the Ram.