Forum Discussion

GPG52_'s avatar
Explorer II
Sep 21, 2015


Good morning all!
We are long time RV'ers (40+yrs) and have owned our Cougar 327 since last year. We have always showered using the shower head toggle switch to shut off the water while lathering up then toggle the water back on to rinse conserving hot water. This process has worked well with all the other RV's that we have owned.
However when going through this process with our new Cougar 327 we get a jolt of real cold water when we toggle the water back to rinse. We have tried everything from leaving a slow trickle to short intervals between rinses.
Is this a shower head replacement issue?
Or is this a plumbing issue?
Has anyone experienced this before?
Any insight would be appreciated.
  • The cold water plumbing has more pressure and pushes the hot water back toward the hot water heater. You can add a check valve to the hot water side OR do as I do, turn them both off when your doing the Navy shower thing. Our shower is hot all the way on and the cold a 1/4 turn so pretty easy to do.
  • Was told by our manufacturer that this is mandated in all shower heads for both marine and RVs, sometime in the 2000's due to scalding issues. My mom actually scalded my 8 month old on a boat that didn't have those installed when she turned the water back on. Thankfully my daughter was fine after a couple of days.

    Turning the shower head away or stepping out of the water stream for 2-5 secs is not an issue in our family.
  • I am convinced this problem is a result of the anti scald mechanism in the shower valve body.
  • Ours does the exact same thing now... However, I didn't notice it until we replaced the faucet in our bathroom. (Our class C runs the shower off a diverter valve on the faucet.)

    It could have been happening with the old (circa 2007) faucet and I just didn't notice. Or it is something that just started happening with the new (2015) faucet which would lend credence to it being some new safety feature.
  • Mine has done this since new also. I'm curious if it isn't some type of safety feature because our hot water is scolding hot!
    Just like this thread, I've talked to numerous people with late model RVs that do it also. So that tells me it's most likely by design.
  • I've had the issue on all four RVs I've owned. As others have stated. Just point it at the wall or floor for a few seconds until the temperature equalizes.
  • When I got this rig in 2002 the shower didn't do the cold water thing when turned off at shower head. Starting a few years ago it started doing that, What a nasty shock that was. Now I just aim shower head at floor until it warms back up. Don't know why.
  • I have discovered the same, while showering I point the shower head towards the side and toggle it on and wait the few seconds for the hot water to return.