Itching2go wrote:
Atom Ant wrote:
when they pool, they stretch in the middle, just like an awning.
Not trying to pick a fight, but so what? As fj12ryder noted and we have experienced, pooling is not a problem as the water either evaporates or rolls off when we bring the slides in. No harm. no foul. While I wouldn't allow that on my awning as the larger size would cause water weight issues there, from our experience, pooling on a slide topper has never caused any damage for us.
We have them and like them. And we've been camping in pretty much every state between Utah and Maine in all kinds of weather except for heavy snow. I'm just sharing my opinion based on my experience. Feel free to flame away if we don't agree.
I am in the middle between the two or three of you, got four slide toppers, IMO I can take them or leave them, have had just the present fifth wheel with them. Out of the four only one pools water, but as it fills up it drains, so it never comes to a point where it is causing a problem, unless you call happening to be standing near it when it decides to drain, kind of a cold shower. One is a little noisy in the wind, I just ignore it or turn up the TV
Never done any temperature studies, so have no idea how well they help keep the temperature down. It would be interesting how some come to the conclusion they lower the temperature inside the trailer.