Deb and Ed M wrote:
Randu wrote:
Just because the slide is over the register doesn't mean you don't have heat. Slide outs are usually a few inches above the floor when in. Heat is just forced/directed to ends of slides in place of just up into living room direct. I heat my rig with slides closed right now as not winterizing between Thanksgiving and Christmas trips. Registers are covered with slides but still enough air flow to have nice even heat. Randu
Wow! That's good to know - although we're losing 1/2 our registers (4 total: 2 are covered by the slideout) - is yours the same ratio?
Have 3 in living area and all 3 are covered but 2 are within a few inches of the end of the slide. Have 3 additional registers that are not covered. 1 in bath, 1 in area of shower, and 1 near closet in the nose. I also have additional openings in basement and water manifold utility area. Best thing is turn on and find out as each mfg is different so what works for me may or may not actually work on your rig. Randu