Atom Ant and Lantley,
You two do not understand the OP's situation but I do. They live not that far from us and have a very limited defiined time to get away in the cold part of winter for a break as they own a business. It likely will be very cold when they leave and they will want to get as far south as they can the first day and probably the second day also. Per their posts on various threads, they aren't likey to not in CG's on the way down and back.
They have sepcific needs that fit them and purchased their first 5th wheel to serve those needs. Also own their own heated narrow storage building to keep their 5th wheel in when not being used etc. The OP also owns a Class "C" with no slides but that also means tight quarters inside but however, they can get to every compartment anytime because it doesn't have the slide blocking issues.
Your RV choice may fit your needs and of course that's your own personal choice. That doesn't remotely mean it's the best choice for others or the OP as this is their thread and they make their own choices and so do we! My comment about being "dumb" was toward the designers of RV's that can't be used for even the simple needs when traveling or in normal storage in a storage lot. A bugger when traveling unless you can find a suitable area to extend the slides every time for even the simplest needs or accesses. Had nothing to do with forcing you two to tightly wind your panties into a bunch!
Hearing the constant complaints when in CG's or when traveling places with friends and their RV's having the non-use slides blocking issues speaks for itself. 3 of them have already purchased different floorplan RV's when changing units and not one of the 3's new RV has slide blocked off areas again. It's their choice! Why do you think that happened? DUH!
Neither of your acidic posts will do anything to help the OP or give them any other options or ideas for present or the future. Some people learn faster than others! They already know how frustrating it is now to have just a pantry non-accessible and 1/2 of the heat registers covered when the slide is in when both are/were avoidable. I must have missed where they said it was a good design to have these issues. Maybe you can find it for me and re-post it!
BTW, I also have a large storage building with a 14' wide door and heated when I want it to be. I could open slides on both sides and still pull it out or back it in and not touch anything. Mine building/storage area isn't narrow like the OP's as it's 32 feet wide and high enough for any of our RV's on purpose as that's what I built it for originally. Even our 36' Carriage 5th wheel with 18,000 GVWR having 3 axles and 2 slides extended fit inside with the slide out and while having our 29' Carrilite 5th wheel with 1 slide out extended and our 8'6" wide twin I/O boat on it's 3 axle trailer all at the same time. I fully understand the OP's many slideout issues but you must not!