Forum Discussion

Jayco-noslide's avatar
May 11, 2013

Slider Hitch danger?

Yesterday we were visiting with a dealer whom I respect and trust and he said that he will not sell a slider hitch because of reports of them moving when not supposed to. He's been there in business a long time and is a fairly large dealer(motorhomes more than trailers). This caught me by surprise. Anyone else hear this? We have a manual slider and no problems at all. How could he sell a 5th wheel to someone with a short box and not deal in sliders?
  • I agree when I had a slider, and I've had a couple. One was manual, and It was described as above. Very eratic. Bought one that moved with an electric motor. An old ant could have moved faster. Went to a non slide Reese which worked fine, until a guy working for me got in a tight spot trying to buy a coke and took out my rear window. Time I paid for that I could almost have paid for a Pullright superglide. I've now used one of them for about 6 years and it has worked flawless. Mine used slip plate and I have it tore down sanding and reapalying. Great hitch.
  • Pull-Rite Super Slider and in 11years I have had no problems except with my error. We went on a 3,000 mile trip two weeks after purchasing the 5th wheel and I still remember parking in a lot on Lake Superior and saying, "I love my hitch".
    When I was selling RV's I always suggested a slider for short beds. The dealership owner did not think it was necessary if you would just be careful but it only takes one time in too much of a hurry and you have a damaged truck and camper.
  • Never had problem with manual slider but prefer the PullRite Superglide. Cost more but worth it to me. As long as you keep the tubes or rails properly lubed you will have success with both types. :) Just follow manufactures recommendations for the proper lube.
    I been to loads of dealers and never had any tell me that sliders are a bad idea. :h
  • A few years back when pulling my fiver into a tight spot, i had to extend the slide. Everything work out fine, but when leaving this camp site, my REESE slide hitch would not retract to the normal on road tow position. I put blocks under the trailers wheels, and pulled back and forth with my TV but could not budge it. We were still about 200 miles from home, and just drove with the hitch extended. When we were about 2 miles from home, and coming up to a stop light, that slid hitch, and trailer, decided to finally move forward with a loud BANG. At first i thought that someone had run into the back of my fiver, but it was the trailer finally moving to it's proper tow position. When home, I dismantled the rails on the hitch, cleaned them, and found no problem that would have caused the hitch to freeze. When re assembling your rails pay attention to details, as it is easy to switch these rails from side to side, and those plastic pads are easy to come loose. The hitch is now 15 years old, and has worked pretty much as it is supposed to.
  • I have been using a Reese slider hitch for 13 years and never had that problem. If you keep it lubed and follow the directions they work fine. Safety First
  • There is something to what he says. Not usually the hitches fault. But operator error.

    More than once have I seen someone thinking they were on level ground, pull their slider lever, and have the hitch start moving back. Or visa/versa. People are just too lazy to chock the wheels and do it right. In other cases, people don't follow proper maintenance/lubrication procedures. Then complain when they have a problem. Or claim warranty.
  • Jayco-noslide wrote:
    Yesterday we were visiting with a dealer whom I respect and trust and he said that he will not sell a slider hitch because of reports of them moving when not supposed to. He's been there in business a long time and is a fairly large dealer(motorhomes more than trailers). This caught me by surprise. Anyone else hear this? We have a manual slider and no problems at all. How could he sell a 5th wheel to someone with a short box and not deal in sliders?

    Never heard of such a thing. Ask him to give evidence of such reports - I would bet that there are very few, if none at all!

    More hogwash from a dealer.....