1. There should be a switch by hyd pump (our '06 CC was located by left compartment door next to landing leg) that you can use to extend slides w/o going inside of coach.
2. Find where main cable from battery attaches to a row or bank of breakers. Using a 12v tester, check to make sure you have power from battery on at least 1 side. Where you see a buss bar connecting 2 breakers together, that's more than likely the breaker(s) for your slides. Had to replace ours due to intermittent operation of slides. Perhaps might not be a bad idea to replace all of them w/ new ones anyways.
3. Not sure about your A/C, so follow advice from others.
4. Like AP said, you can extend the slides w/a drill via a connector/extension on side of coach to hyd pump.
5. All the breakers (at least on our '06) where located in same area as #1 under a small plastic cover. Cannot miss them as there should be a bunch of wires there. If not, will be in front compartment, left side.
Let us know how you make out.