At 41'LOA & over 6 ton dry weight you are in monster 5er territory. As many have pointed out you are either razor sharp borderline being over without serious truck mods or over by the time the truck is loaded up too.
The legal side is something to consider should you ever get into a crash, your fault or not.
Then there is the simple satisfaction & pleasure of having a truck that you know is well within spec with the load it is carrying. Those who have a SRW with the airbags & everything else say it tows just fine.
Those who had a SRW but now have a DRW say they would never go back to a SRW.
You will not know that you should have that 3500DRW till that windy day comes or the time comes when you go into a corner too fast with your 2500 & 14,000lb trailer behind you that has a mind of it's own. At that moment it will be too late.