Forum Discussion

Texan72's avatar
Jan 19, 2018

Solar Powered Generators

Has anyone had any experience with solar powered generators for their 5th wheel or trailer ? If so are the worth the investment over gas powered ? Want to use for occasional short term boon docking.
  • X2, gbopp. Buy panels, a controller and batteries. Texan, read articles on solar RV.
  • For the cost of one of the smaller ones of these, lets say $500 you could buy a complete 200 watt solar system such as the kit from and buy a off brand 700 - 1000 watt generator from HF or home depot for the days the sun doesnt shine.
  • I wouldn't waste my money on a 'solar generator', Just buy solar panels, a battery bank, etc.. It will be cheaper and you will have a better system.
    Solar generators are marketing hype.

    Or, buy a portable inverter generator. They generate power in the dark and are fairly quiet.
  • kerrlakeRoo wrote:
    From what I have read, its a box containing a small charge controller, a battery, and an inverter, paired with a solar panel. They are usually small having no more than 40-50 amphrs of 12 volt power available. And maybe a 25-50 watt solar panel for recharging.
    Probably pk for charging a laptop or cellphone, but not going to run much for very long in a 5er.


    More of a tool for folks with very limited space.

    It doesn't generate anything.
  • As stated above, these are not really generators. They are power storage and management systems, often called portable power stations. Past versions were more of the jump-start + compressor + AC and DC outlets and maybe a light. I've been investigating the new versions lately, reading reviews. Some of them are quite powerful and most are packaged nicely.

    Expedition Portal has reviewed a number of them. Info can be found in the pile of results from this search:
  • From what I have read, its a box containing a small charge controller, a battery, and an inverter, paired with a solar panel. They are usually small having no more than 40-50 amphrs of 12 volt power available. And maybe a 25-50 watt solar panel for recharging.
    Probably pk for charging a laptop or cellphone, but not going to run much for very long in a 5er.
  • What do you mean.. solar panels? There are all kinds of threads on here about that, but not in 5th wheels.