Having camped at Quartzsite in the LaPosa S LTVA I'll tell you what worked for me and how well it worked. The basics are listed in my sig. What that doesn't tell you is that have all LED lights, my laptop computer, wireless printer and TV are on for several hours a day. Results-- I use on average 95 Ah per day, that is about 16% of my battery capacity. Sooo... I can go 4 days before the inverter complains if I try to use the microwave.
The downside of solar is you need lots of sun (Q has that) and you have to haul several hundred pounds of batteries around, and have a place to put them.
As Don said check out my Solar Spreadsheet. An updated version can be found at WWW.W8USA.org it is at the bottom of the links page. This is a ham radio web site.