topjimmy wrote:
Yep you are doing the right thing ,we are talking ALOT of money here and doing a lot research is the key ,Solitudes are real Pretty 5th's in and out but in my opinion they do not have the buying power like Keystone, Heartland, Jayco etc..and are not able to put all these nice features in for the same price as Montana or anybody else ,I almost bought a Heartland Landmark but they would not give me the Lippert 6 point auto-level for the same price as Montana( by the way the Auto level is AWESOME!!!)
Wrong answer.
Who do you think created Keystone? The current owners of Grand Design....
You think their suppliers aren't selling to them at the same costs?
And FYI, you can buy a Solitude for the same price as a Montana. I see the cost on both, and feature for feature, are the same.
Montana owners get so defensive right away, but that line has gotten so cheaply built, they are selling off of previous reputation.
Last RV Show we did a couple weeks ago, with 12 other dealers, there wasn't a single Montana on site......
Oh, your list of why Montana is better, are reasons that is better for you, not everyone. (And its OK to point that out) They use a 3 step entry, but it is no way cheaper than your steel 4 step. They went to Lippert and had them build the aluminum 3 step for them, so it doesn't bind up in two years. What until your steel step gets good and tight and you can't pull it out anymore.
These are by no means a new company with new designers and engineers. They didn't design anything with an oversight. There are reasons they built their products the way they did.