Forum Discussion

ipeltier's avatar
Jun 26, 2018

Stabilizing rocker recliners

We have two Thomas Paine rocker recliners on circular metal bases in our Jayco. They swivel and slide. My husband doesn't like his chair moving. I've contacted the manufacturer to see if there is any way they can be stabilized, but no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • Drill with a good metal bit, and some bolts to go through the holes.
  • Folks, the OP wants to stop the chair from rocking when it's being used (DH doesn't like movement). Not from sliding around the RV.
  • I installed a bunch of floor anchors all over my camper. In the slides, on the window valances, even on the side of the couch so I could anchor a strap across the drawer that slides open under it.

    What did I use? I used picture frame hangers and a 3/4 inch long wood screw. Those picture frame hangers are extremely strong, are small enough you never see them, especially if on a carpet or in a corner. A bungee cord hooked through one on each side of whatever you want to hold down and bingo! There ya go!

    You find them where the framed picture hangers are at, not in the hardware area. Even at Lowes, look for the picture hanging stuff.

  • I have tie downs mounted to the floor and use a camlock strap over both of them to keep in place.
  • Oh I thought you meant the chair was sliding around the RV. Can't help with just making it solid.

    Good luck!
  • Scott G--I think the rocker will still swivel while he's sitting in it. The moving mechanism is above the circular base and allows the rocker to turn and rock.
  • Yes, use some 3/4" pipe clamp to secure it to the floor.
    If I don't do this the chair will end up in the kitchen.