Check out Jayco Eagle and Jayco Touring 5th wheels. Many models/floorplans/sizes to choose from and different price points. $40,000 for the RV will get you what you had stated as desired as we looked at several Jayco's last Monday while at the Jayco factory and a nearby dealer and know. Fine build quality and excellent insulation R-values for true comfort when it's not sunny with gentle breezes and 72 degrees outside. Over 300 dealers if any service is needed anywhere and Jayco includes a 2 year hitch to rear bumper full warranty and over 40 years of building RV's. Jayco has a great reputation, reliability, and repeat buyers from their RV owners and it's very important as that's long after the sale.
Jayco maintains well above average resale values and it's important as nearly all RV's are resold at least once during their livetimes. Getting the better price when selling or trading in is real after tax money in your pocket or for your next/newer RV purchase. Jayco is the largest family owned RV manufacturer in the world and for many resaons. Go as small and simple and RV as you want or as large and luxurious as you desire or your wallet can handle. Certainly would be very wise to check them out thoroughly as they are doing it right!