pcm1959 wrote:
While I don't have the Glow Steps, I'm a huge fan of them based on what I've seen. I'm considering getting them at some point.
I'm curious about their longevity especially the 4 or 5 step versions used by those who extend and stow them frequently. With so many connections/moving parts do they loosen over time and loose their rigidity?
My Glow steps became difficult to extend and retract. I messaged Tork Lift asking about what lubricant they recommend for the steps. It turns out they do not recommend a lubricant. The steps are adjustable by tightening or loosening several of the bolts on the sides of the steps. The instructions are in the manual on how to adjust the steps. I followed the instructions and my steps work just fine now.
The steps are made of aluminum and are of a very high quality. Installation was fairly easy and my son-in-law did it by himself in just under an hour.
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND READING THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND FULLY UNDERSTAND BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THEM. When you first unpack the steps you might take a look and take apart sections that you do not have to. Just follow the instructions and you will have no problems.