Forum Discussion

dieseldan723's avatar
Jun 30, 2014

Storage ideas

We came from a 40ft 5th wheel with tons of storage for everything. Our new TH is great but there is no storage. I like that it has a separate garage but we are looking for ideas for storage.

Currently I have a bunch of heavy duty plastic tubs with lids (from Costco) that we put in the garage and that works to some extent for clothes and some equipment. We are looking for ideas to store things like food, towels, equipment and other items. We were thinking about setting up some type of shelves in the garage but don't know how to mount/stabilize them.

Anyone with some great ideas or solutions?

  • We have a WW FSC 2800 with an open floor plan. I purchased a simply armoire cabinet from a local discount store. It had four shelves in the upper portion and three drawers in the bottom.

    We used the upper to store kitchen wares and the lower for towels, sheets, and other bulking items.

    I placed it in my unit to work as a storage unit and room divider.

    If you send me an e-mail I’ll send pictures (I’ve never had any luck posting pictures to this site).
  • You want some ideas, search "living in an RV with 6 kids" on YouTube. This couple has some good ideas for storage.
  • Is there a space above the cabinets in the main part of the TH? I use some of those clear plastic tubs and put them up there with light stuff like jackets in the summer, etc.
  • invstr55 wrote:
    we use our Bunk area above the garage for storage.

    Wish we had one. Our TT doesn't have one except for two very small cupboards. We can get beach towels in one and the other is used for paper products.