RustyJC wrote:
MFL wrote:
Actually, it is those dang diesel engines, that are the trouble maker in a 250/2500.:W If you stick with a gas engine in a class 2, you should be able to carry what you can tow. Diesel engine, too much pulling power, but too heavy for class 2 10,000 GVWR. :(
Should diesel engine be banned from class 2? IDK:h
Diesel engines have little effect on the weight carried by the rear axle. Rear axle GAWR is the "gotcha" for the 3/4 ton trucks (ignoring GVWR, as most do.)
I agree Rusty, and it's not hard to upgrade the suspension/tires/wheels to 350 standards. But, as members were saying, many class 2s out there towing over their GVWR, and in most cases, due to the diesel engine wt.
I am under all ratings of my 250, even at my FW GVWR 12,110, due to the lighter gas engine. I am rated to tow 12,300. Any heavier than that, I'd be towing with a diesel class 3, likely a Ram/Cummins.:)