GlenO wrote:
kennethwooster wrote:
I’ve done quite a bit of research and cannot find any bad comments Guess I’ll give them a try.
How has your experience been with the Synergy RV tires? I am looking at a set to replace some coming up on five years age. Thanks,
I would look at it this way - there are lots of tires used by guys looking for a cheap, semi reliable tire for their dump trailer, construction trailer, etc. They use the tires heavily and usually wear them out before they fail. If they are really bad they fail quickly, if they are semi OK, they last a long time due to constant use. I purchased a Hercules tire from a shop like this, they swear it is a great tire. However, their tire use is not the same as an RV. The RV tires typically sits more than it is driven. It gets driven hard, say for a day or two getting somewhere to a destination then sits for days, then driven hard back. Most RV tires sit all winter and sit 90% of the time. Can not compare a RV use to a construction trailer. My recommendation, stick with US made, reliable RV tires - or other proven RV tires, or if your trailer is light enough, go with an LT truck tires as this is the best option out there as they are the only tires truly tested for reliability, ST tires are not tested. PS, that Hercules tire is now my spare.