Forum Discussion

eDUBz's avatar
Sep 14, 2017

Tail gating / LA Coliseum

Probably won't happen but worth a shot - we are Redskins fans and have tickets to this Sunday's game Redskins @ LA Rams (2 row seats around the 10 yard line :))). I would like to try and take my Toy hauler to tail gate and I know you have to have parking permits. Has anyone ever Tail gated at the Coliseum with there RV? Would like some input thanks. Yeah

P.s we are still going to tail gate from the
Back of my truck, but the TH would be awesome!
  • Thanks guys! So much info and so
    Much help on the forum. Can't wait to meet all of you guys!
  • Looks like fun, $60.00 isn't bad. Too bad Ram's lost but good for you.
  • Scored a parking pass for $60 / exposition and Figueroa right across the street from USC, took naythers advice disposlable cooler and some grass Hung out and ate. We saw some
    Big a$$ toy haulers looked like fun! We are super stoked! We had a blast! End zone row 1-2

  • nayther wrote:
    not going to happen unless you have a LOT of money.

    Just a parking ticket with tailgating in a car/truck will run you about $100.00. we have season tickets, last year had parking/tailgating and it was awesome but that was because I'm friends with Jeff Fisher's sister so we partied with the coaches family, friends, etc. but when he was fired my connection was lost. Now the hot ticket is take the train. You can do it from Oxnard to Union Station, then the Expo line drops you off between USC and the colesium. There are tailgate parties all over and some you can pay to attend but you might find someone within the Redskins fan groups, most would welcome fellow fans. Tailgating off the train is doable.

    PM me for more info. if you'd like.

    Ok cool
  • dedmiston wrote:
    This would interfere with my "no drinking on towing days (until I get to camp/home)" rule.

    The train sounds like a great idea.

    I don't drink so all good :) - skins haven't been out here since they played SD in 09
  • This would interfere with my "no drinking on towing days (until I get to camp/home)" rule.

    The train sounds like a great idea.
  • not going to happen unless you have a LOT of money.

    Just a parking ticket with tailgating in a car/truck will run you about $100.00. we have season tickets, last year had parking/tailgating and it was awesome but that was because I'm friends with Jeff Fisher's sister so we partied with the coaches family, friends, etc. but when he was fired my connection was lost. Now the hot ticket is take the train. You can do it from Oxnard to Union Station, then the Expo line drops you off between USC and the colesium. There are tailgate parties all over and some you can pay to attend but you might find someone within the Redskins fan groups, most would welcome fellow fans. Tailgating off the train is doable.

    PM me for more info. if you'd like.
  • I've been there for a concert a few years back. It wasn't fun trying to leave in a car. I couldn't imagine even trying to leave with an 8.5' wide trailer. Also, some of parking lots around the stadium are not large vehicle friendly.