Forum Discussion

Hobo2's avatar
Jun 03, 2018

The staples holding down flashing on roof edge coming up.

I guess threw vibration a section of about 5 feet, the staples are coming up holding the metal flashing on the roof egde.I tryed to push them back down but not all would go down. So i slit a whole big enough to pull each staple out and replace with stainless pan head screws. 26 screws 2 to 3 inches apart. Then put little lap seal on each screw head, then forever tape primer then forever tape.
Yesterday heading to east coast from AZ noticed another 5 foot section of staples comimg up. Has anyone else had this problem? Do you have a better ideal on how to fix? 2016 DRV
  • The staples probably worked loose through vibration and bouncing down the road.
    The real question is, why? Maybe the staples are not quite long enough or not hitting something solid?

    I'm guessing there is no easy or simple fix. What you are doing is probably the best solution. Take your time snd replace the staples with screws.
    What is forever tape? Is it similar to Eternabond?
  • good job ,in your spare time keep going. a good wind would have ripped the roof of.
  • I have noticed on several occasions an oncoming 5th wheel with the roof material ballooning up due to the fabric coming unglued from the roof underlayment. I doubt if the owner ever knew this was happening because as soon as he stopped the roof would look normal. Perhaps, a condition like that could cause the staples to pull out.
  • Make sure the wood isn't soft,as in water intrusion. Damp or soft wood won't hold staples.
  • Well I sent pics of staples coming up on roof to DRV. There response was I only get a 1 year roof warranty. Had I noticed the staples coming up threw the rubber with in the 1 year they would have fixed it.
    I tried to hammer 2 more staples back down to day only to poke threw rubber roof. So replace with stainless steel screws and lap seal caulk. Need to pass on to other DRV owners to keep an eye on roof for staples coming up
  • Not all that uncommon, I have herd and see this happening before, best to screw down as suggested.
  • Mine was doing same thing. Have 2 year warranty. Took it in for other items and they pulled back roofing on each side and fixed it under warranty.