htwheelz67 wrote:
And then there are hills like I10 (Chiriaco summitt) and I8 (Julian,Alpine) then you will realize the diesel advantage in power and mileage. I switched from a Duramax to a ford v10 and on big hills its very noticeable, gas motor should get about 5-7 MPG's less than diesel. Weigh it, the tags on WW trailers are BS, I own one.
I thought it would get less than the diesel too but I hauled that trailer over the same mountain you're taking about at Julian yesterday and got 10mpg, no sway no problems braking.
I pulled my 7,000 pound boat to San Felipe with my new Ram Cummins and got 6mpg... all flat road
I'm not sticking up for either truck but that diesel didn't do anything for me but cost me more money