I lost 3 BFG Commercial T/A Tires a few years ago. One was recalled (my newest at the time), one had a sidewall flap but was not catastrophic. My final just shy of 5 year old BFG Commercial T/A blew its tread last year. I now have 2 Michelin XPS Ribs and one recent Micelin LT M/S 2 got punctured at a toll booth approach on the IL Tollway this April. Bought a Bridgeston Duravis R250 to replace the spare Michelin LT M/S2 which I used to complete our trip to WI.
Just yesterday I removed the "spare" tire on my axle and got the Bridgestone Duravis down from the spare position to put it on the axle. The 3 month old Bridgestone Duravis that was never used was FLAT! Turns out the "quality" tire shop in Beloit WI did not clean the wheel well enough and the Valve Stem corroded. Hopefully the local tire shop did a better job and I finally got the Bridgestone on the Trailer. Will tow next week and see how far I get. I've had two tire failures since Jan this year - one a baseball sized bubble on a Nexxen Tire and the 2 year old MS/2 that got punctured on the IL Tollway. I pray I can travel the rest of the year without another tire issue.