I have the TST 507 system mentioned above. I got them because personal experience convinced me it was a good idea. You can read your pressures all you want at home or the campground, but things tend to happen in between. Several years ago, with my previous camper, I had a blowout and never knew about it until a slowdown in traffic and another motorist pulled up beside me and asked if I knew I had a flat on the trailer. Well, I didn't, but pulled over right away. The only things left were strands of tire and a rim. The brake lines had been ripped out as well as a section of the underbelly.
This system cannot prevent a blowout, but you'll know about it immediately, and maybe you can salvage something. It's some of the best money I've ever spent. No more wondering how things are with your tires. You always know where your pressures and temps are with this system and that's peace of mind I'll take anytime.