PokerCamper wrote:
Thanks for the advice, folks. I can't say that I inspected them closely for cracks yet, but I would like to think I'd have noticed when I was down there trying to read the tire size, manufacturing date, and PSI rating. :) I will definitely double check. I also ordered this tandem tire changing ramp from Amazon as a little insurance that I hopefully won't ever need.
It's called "TrailerAid Plus" it really works well! I use it on our HEAVY Mobile Suites to do axle maintenance. I also used it to do a road side brake repair.
I would advise anyone that has one to try it out before leaving home. My axles have more travel than a lot so when I pulled up on the ramp my "bad" hanging tire was not quite off the ground. A 2' long pd of 2x6 or 2x8 was enough to make the ramp work great!
My opinion is they are much safer than a bottle jack along the side of the road and it weighs less.
BTW that is the best price I have seen with no shipping!