I agree with most to go with the 17.5" tires and wheels. I went from 16" to 17.5" after a serious blowout with goodyear tires ($6K in damage).
Here is something that is interesting to look at. Your tires are 235 80R 16E and they are on a 40ft. 5th wheel trailer. Pretty much what I had. You probably have 7,000 lb. axles. Your tires are rated at a Max Load rate of 3420 -- if they are Goodyear. Simple math - that is 6,840 lbs. of max load on a trailer with a 7,000 lb. axle. The manufacturers tend to cheap out and this is where they do it.
On the other hand I replaced them with 235 75R 17.5J -- max load rating of 6005 per tire or 12,010 per axle.
They are a little pricey but it makes me feel a little better when I go to sleep at night.
Note: In the whole process I also went to Mor-Ryde and had them install 8,000 lb. axles, IS Suspension and disk brakes. What a difference. Unbelievable.