Forum Discussion

Dutch_Oven_Man's avatar
Aug 06, 2013

To upgrade hitch or not

We are about to buy our first fifth wheel and I have been shopping for a hitch. Over the weekend, I can across a hardly used Reese Kwik Slide 15K hitch with rails. It is about 5 years old, but was only used one time to permanently set up their camper. Long story short, they needed it gone within 8 hours and I gave them $150 to "take if off their hands". They were moving the next day and needed it gone.

Anyway, my only reservation with the hitch is that it did not pivot from side to side, only front to back. Never owning a fiver, is this a problem? I went to the local installer and he offered me $600 and said I would be happier with a 4 way pivot. I'm pretty happy with only spending $150, so is it worth trading up, or just be sure I'm level when unhooking?
  • You asked the I'm going to give you my opinion. Put that Reese on Craigs List and hopefully someone will "take it off your hands"! Then use that $$$ and get a B&W Patriot. I used a Reese slider for about 10k miles. In that time, the dealer swapped the head, uprights and rails twice trying to stop the start/stop clunk. I tossed it in the scrap pile and ordered the Patriot....NO more clunky start/stops!!!!
  • When hooking or especially unhooking you can’t have any pressure on the hitch or the hitch will not release. A hitch that moves in all directions helps eliminate this Even with it I find times I need to move the truck a bit to unhook, just made it easier.