DutchmenSport wrote:
Congrats on the new camper!
When we traded our last camper for the one we currently have, we unloaded everything from the old one and put it in the garage. We laid everything out so we could see it. It was insane all the stuff we had in that camper.
We took the empty camper in and returned home with the new one, then took about 3 days putting everything back inside. But almost 50% of everything that came out of the old camper never made it back into the new one. We put everything aside, and ended up giving it all away to someone over time.
It's amazing how much stuff one will accumulate and not really realize it.
We have since tried to keep from acquiring more clutter. But, after 4 years, I've noticed the cabinets are getting petty full again!
We just replaced all of our plates and cups and bowels this winter for a brand new set. We did remove the old dishes, but now, instead of just 4 plates, we have 8 (of everything now). Oh well. Between all the nick nacks, we're still having a fantastic time!
My advice: clean out the clutter, and then have fun getting NEW clutter!
Congrats on your new purchase!
Dutchmensport, know exactly what your talking about but times 2, we traded in our tag-a-long and my truck camper in on the new 5ver, and all the stuff filled a spare bedroom and one of the screen patio's. Took nearly a year to throw or give away all the extra's.
Congrats Grizz, enjoy the new camper.