I'm in the same situation. Have a 2013 F-250 FX4 CC. Had it weighed, 8340#'s loaded full of fuel, people, some gear. Drive axle 3360#'s, steer axle 4980#'s. RAWR 6,100#'s, stock 20" tires rated at 3750#'s/each. 10,000GVWR.
According to the GVWR, I need a 5'ver with a pin weight of no more than 1400#'s (need to add hitch, 200#'s). Well that's like a "half ton towable" 5'ver all the companies are marketing.
I would bet at least 30-40% of people towing 5'vers with 3/4 ton SRW trucks are over the GVWR. I see, way too many people pulling 38-41 foot rigs with 3/4 ton SRW. Probably still well within the RAWR and their tire ratings. I'm still looking and have accepted the fact I will be over the 10,000GVWR by 300-600#'s depending on what I buy.
If anybody can help I'm looking for a bunkhouse model in the 34-37 foot range. Any ideas?
Fact is, with a truck like your describing, you will probably go over you 10,000 GVWR. Question is, how far over do you want to be?