ZOSO wrote:
Me Again wrote:
2013 or newer RAM 3500 DRW Aisin transmission with 4:10 gears can easily tow that trailer. And be within all of it's ratings. As Cummins12V98 notes, it is really a 4500 in hiding!
I would look for a 2015 or 2016, as a few bugs have been worked out. On edit: As Ron notes below, get the air ride rear if you want it to always be level.
AND...Be prepared to get your wallet out.
What were the bugs Chris? Haven't been keeping up on the late model Rams. Too rich for my blood! :)
There were a few recalls on the 2014, my year. You could call them bugs if you want. All but one recall has been taken care of, and that should be resolved within a month. They are just as solid of a truck as the 15,and 16's with very minor changes. No reason in the world to stay away from the 13-14's . Typical response from someone who owns the newer one, but never the older one.
This air ride thing is pretty much blown out of portion, its a couple automatic airbags, that cost a whole lot more from Ram then say the Airlift automatic system. As the weight pushes down the automatic system airs up back to level. I prefer adding the non automatic air system ,and adjusting as wanted. IMO the Ram air is just another expensive selling gimmick.