Greg The Hammer wrote:
This is my defense I will use in court in hopes that the judge tosses my ticket.
Florida Statute 322.031 (4)
A nonresident who is at least 21 years of age and who has in his or her immediate possession a valid commercial driver’s license issued in substantial compliance with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 may operate a motor vehicle of the type permitted by his or her license to be operated in this state.
That likely won't help you, since any ticket you'd get in a no-doubles State would be equipment-related, not a driver's license violation.
The language above is boilerplate reciprocal-agreement stuff that only affects
driver licensing. States honor driver's licences issued by other states. It allows you to drive anything up to your endorsement so long as the equipment itself is legal in the State. You may not disregard equipment restrictions imposed by the State you're "visiting".