k ... I'm one of those people who is chemically sensitive. My immune system simply doesn't do well with chemicals, likely due to past exposure to Agent Orange. It isn't funny.
New RVs can be very toxic, just as newly constructed houses can be very toxic until all the chemicals have off-gassed. Therefore, we purchased second-hand.
Travelling with your RV is less-toxic than staying in hotels and eating in restaurants. With your RV, it is easy to control the cleaning chemicals and you know where the bed covers have been. You also know which detergents are being used on your bedding. Also which products are in your pillow. Yup, some of us react to things others don't even think about.
Being able to easily prepare non-processed foods and knowing the ingredients being used is much, much healthier than eating in a restaurant. You also won't be subjected to all the perfumes and after shave lotions people tend to wear when the go out for an evening.
My husband does all the fuel filling at the gas stations. I can't do it without getting a weird buzz on.
RVing gets us out into the fresh air, away from toxic cities.
Overall, RVing is much healthier than the alternatives if you wish to travel.