Toy hauler in my mind is the best options for kids. I can haul bikes, ATVs and tons of toys for them to play with. With the outdoor TV attachment we were able to watch a Red Box movie waiting on the fireworks to go off in Boise last year which was a big bonus. I have 20 ft of storage in the unit and that is enough for us to sit in comfortably and roll out the ATVs at night. I also keep kid items like large kites in the unit at all times along with Estes rockets. As stated earlier having the generator and larger water and sewer tanks really helps when staying in the sticks. We went with an open (non-garage unit) as it allows us to easily move from front to the back. I like to have the kids sleep in the front with us as it is a king bed then when I get up I can have coffee and read the news on my lap top without waking them up. We have set the ramp up with a 2X6 two wooden blocks to keep it up in the air and make a platform for the kids to play on. With the back screen down the boys have a place to be up out of the dew in the morning and have a flat place to play with toys outside. Key note for us was to install a small portable three drawer plastic dresser that we keep swim gear and some clothes in at all times. One additional thing is the toy hauler makes a great place for a sleep over for birthday parties and the kids don't trash the house. In the morning I just lift the bunks, raise the couch and carry the chairs out then use the leaf blower to clean out the unit of potato chips and pop corn. vinyl floor are easy to mop up and we are back at it. Just some thoughts from someone using one for two year.